What is this?
If you're in a band or have an acoustic act or duo, and you can't find an app that organizes your set lists and lyrics together,
this may be of use to you. Or maybe you're a songwriter and just want a portal to keep your lyrics and notes.
How to use this...
Create a profile for yourself or band.
Provide an email address, band name and password.
Use the lyrics feature by searching artist and song name.
Or add your own lyrics to your original songs.
Save the lyrics to the song.
Now you have a song that can be added to your set list.
Repeat this process for as many songs as you like.
You can edit or delete lyrics and set lists as desired.
You can edit song order in any set list as desired.
- You can have unlimited lyrics/songs, but the set list feature is limited to 10 sets.
- You are able to export lyrics/songs in multiple formats to have a hardcopy if needed.
Things to keep in mind...
- This is a no frills layout targeting tablets. But is suitable for other devices.
- You will need an internet connection at your gig via the venue or hotspot if using application away from home.
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