Tp Artists

About... time...

This site is for strictly entertainment purposes. Revenue is not generatede by it. With that being said, nothing you click on, or any site that you go to as an extention of this application has any additional affiliate fees attached. This site does NOT utilize any functionality that authenticates using your personal spotify profile. This site only provides a link for you to log into your spotify profile so that you are able to listen to full tracks or albums instead of only previews. That is done by Spotify, not this website. In addition, this application, owner(s) are not responsible for any external site links provided by any of the resources providing data for this application.

Sources providing all of the information for this site are: Spotify (artist content, links & images), Deezer (artist content, links & images), Ticket Master,,, (maps, links & images),, (artist content, links & images), Wikipedia (Artist Bio).
Music data, artist images, album covers, and song previews are provided by Spotify. Spotify is a trademark of Spotify AB.

Tp Albums


All copyrighted content (i.e. album artwork, images, music) on are the property of their respective owners.
Music data, artist images, album covers, and song previews are provided by Spotify. Spotify is a trademark of Spotify AB.