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Top 99 Spotify Followed Music Artists
1. Arijit SinghFollowers: 139.6M2. Taylor SwiftFollowers: 133.9M3. Ed SheeranFollowers: 119.5M4. Billie EilishFollowers: 108.8M5. Ariana GrandeFollowers: 104.3M6. The WeekndFollowers: 101.5M7. EminemFollowers: 98.5M8. DrakeFollowers: 96.9M9. Bad BunnyFollowers: 92.3M10. Justin BieberFollowers: 81.3M11. BTSFollowers: 78.2M12. Bruno MarsFollowers: 69.2M13. RihannaFollowers: 66M14. AdeleFollowers: 63M15. A.R. RahmanFollowers: 60.6M16. ColdplayFollowers: 57.2M17. Imagine DragonsFollowers: 56.7M18. KAROL GFollowers: 55.4M19. QueenFollowers: 53.3M20. BLACKPINKFollowers: 53.2M21. Selena GomezFollowers: 52M22. XXXTENTACIONFollowers: 49.4M23. Neha KakkarFollowers: 48.2M24. PritamFollowers: 47.2M25. Post MaloneFollowers: 46.7M26. Dua LipaFollowers: 45.7M27. Lana Del ReyFollowers: 45.5M28. Shawn MendesFollowers: 44.5M29. Maroon 5Followers: 44.3M30. Olivia RodrigoFollowers: 44.3M31. Anuel AAFollowers: 41M32. Alan WalkerFollowers: 40.4M33. Sidhu Moose WalaFollowers: 40.1M34. BeyoncéFollowers: 39.9M35. Kendrick LamarFollowers: 39.1M36. Juice WRLDFollowers: 39.1M37. One DirectionFollowers: 38.9M38. OzunaFollowers: 38.2M39. J BalvinFollowers: 38M40. Travis ScottFollowers: 37.5M41. Anirudh RavichanderFollowers: 37.3M42. ShakiraFollowers: 37.1M43. Daddy YankeeFollowers: 36.7M44. Marília MendonçaFollowers: 36.5M45. Katy PerryFollowers: 36.4M46. MalumaFollowers: 36.3M47. Lady GagaFollowers: 35.7M48. Michael JacksonFollowers: 35M49. Camila CabelloFollowers: 34.7M50. MarshmelloFollowers: 34.1M51. Nicki MinajFollowers: 33.6M52. Harry StylesFollowers: 33.5M53. Guns N' RosesFollowers: 33.3M54. Atif AslamFollowers: 33M55. Doja CatFollowers: 32.9M56. AC/DCFollowers: 30.7M57. MetallicaFollowers: 30.1M58. Diljit DosanjhFollowers: 30M59. The BeatlesFollowers: 29.6M60. SiaFollowers: 29.5M61. Kanye WestFollowers: 29.5M62. Arctic MonkeysFollowers: 29.3M63. Linkin ParkFollowers: 29.2M64. Shreya GhoshalFollowers: 28.9M65. BadshahFollowers: 28.2M66. SZAFollowers: 28.1M67. Rauw AlejandroFollowers: 27.2M68. Demi LovatoFollowers: 27.1M69. David GuettaFollowers: 26.9M70. Henrique & JulianoFollowers: 26.1M71. Yo Yo Honey SinghFollowers: 26M72. J. ColeFollowers: 25.9M73. Miley CyrusFollowers: 25.7M74. Chris BrownFollowers: 25.6M75. Sam SmithFollowers: 25.5M76. Twenty One PilotsFollowers: 25.2M77. Cardi BFollowers: 25.1M78. Paulo LondraFollowers: 25M79. Rahat Fateh Ali KhanFollowers: 25M80. Darshan RavalFollowers: 25M81. Romeo SantosFollowers: 24.7M82. Charlie PuthFollowers: 24.2M83. Sebastian YatraFollowers: 23.7M84. ZAYNFollowers: 23.7M85. AviciiFollowers: 23.5M86. Junior HFollowers: 23.4M87. Calvin HarrisFollowers: 23.1M88. Armaan MalikFollowers: 23M89. Gusttavo LimaFollowers: 22.6M90. Red Hot Chili PeppersFollowers: 22.2M91. HalseyFollowers: 22M92. 21 SavageFollowers: 22M93. Jorge & MateusFollowers: 22M94. Melanie MartinezFollowers: 21.9M95. Pink FloydFollowers: 21.7M96. NirvanaFollowers: 21.7M97. TWICEFollowers: 21.5M98. Zé Neto & CristianoFollowers: 21.4M99. Guru RandhawaFollowers: 21.1M |
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